but then, i watched the Oprah Winfrey show (oi.. dun laugh.. let me finish my story and see if you can still laugh..) which i discovered by accident thanks to my brother's habitual flipping of channels..
Anthony Sukto
what caught my attention was a composed little boy's voice talking to a 911 dispatcher saying "My daddy killed me with a butcher knife"..
AHA.. now i caught your attention too didn't i?? :P
this brave little boy is Anthony Sukto who was 8 when the incident took place.. his dad, after killing his mom stabbed him 6 times on the face, neck and stomach and left.. and Anthony said that an angel took him to the phone where he called 911.. he also said that an angel told him to play dead when his father attacked him..
his bravery and calmness touched the hearts of millions including those who faught to save his life..
read more at http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2004-10-29-child-911_x.htm
so the next time you're faced with something which doesn't go your way.. think about this innocent little boy before making a decision on what to do.. and always thank God for all the blessings He has showered upon you and how lucky you are that you have internet connection to read this.. hehe..
God bless!!
p/s i'll just share a couple of photos from my Singapore trip (couldn't resist :P)
picture of the fountain of wealth where you can dedicate messages.. one guy even proposed there.. wah.. so romantic *dreaming*
dedicated to YOU..
new McD burger.. this pic is for Miss Suyin :P
crocs-galore for Pei :P

eating ice cream with bro.. :D

eating hot wok me.. yummy!!

with cuzzie and bro at Arab Street..
stonning on Orchard Road..
guess who's this..?? answer in my next post.. hehe.. and Jen not allowed to tell k?? :P
See ya!!
eh.. the pic looks like you lor.. is that you? if not.. must be someone related to you by blood.. cos really got your looks in it.. but i guess its you.. but not sure also.. abit in doubts.. will just wait for your next post and see lar.. heheh... and ya... looks like someone enjoyed herself in singapore!! see you on monday!!
looks like ur bro la. hahaha..
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