Friday, June 01, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Harry Potter 7
21st July
smack in the middle of my holidays meaning i can read it without any guilt of piling up boring lecture notes.. yippee!!
after much searching, Kinokuniya has the best offer with 25% discount but the catch is the last day to pre-order is today and the only branch is in KLCC..
MPH and Popular both offering about RM 10 discount and an official merchandise..
but, i got mine from Times through my cousin's girlfriend who works there for 25% too!!
can't wait to read the final installment of the book.. but now.. aih.. study study..
JIA YOU M1/06!!
one huge file done.. two more to go.. sigh..
Friday, May 25, 2007
A must see!!
channel 77
watch and you'll see the miracles of life minus all the hollywood exaggerations..
i just finished watching Amazing Babies..
case 1: Mum went into labour in her bed room and the only person around is her 10 year old daughter.. and by the help of 911 over the phone, the little girl delivered her little sister.. amazing??
case 2: Mum had complications during her first pregnancy and due to excessive haemorrhage the doctors had to remove her uterus to save her life.. sadly, the baby didn't survive and the parents really wanted to have children.. in the end, the mum's mother became the surrogate monther at 52 years old!!
watch and you'll understand..
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Anger Management Lessons anyone??
1. Take ONE willing sibling.. preferably younger..
2. Take TWO revision books.. start with easy one lar ha..??
3. Spend just THREE hours teaching them..
and then let me know how you faired.. :D
p/s i failed miserable teaching TWO brothers ONE add math book in THREE minutes.. see who can beat my record..
Saturday, May 12, 2007
News flash!!
Exam-induced hypertension
Signs and symptoms:
- lethargy & malaise
- increased appetite
- insomnia
- palpitations
- cold sweats
- cold and clammy skin
- nervousness
- ink-stained fingers
- hysteria
- mumbling to self
Suggested treatment:
- TLC (tender loving care :D)
- hugs
- support
- ice cream :D
- laughter
Life span of virus:
Unknown but expected to be self limiting.
All cases estimated to be cured by 5th July 3pm
-Sorry.. super random post.. a late stage symptom of the viral infection.. haha..-
Anyways, to all my friends in M1/06 who is currently infected with this virus, study hard but don't forget to relax as well.. and to the others please pray for us!! and sorry for the excessive use of jargons XD
p/s this is a pathetic attempt to resuscitate my blog from ICU.. success rate currently unknown..
Saturday, February 17, 2007
a day for love and another for prosperity..
the past week has been one of the most eventful and hectic week of 2007 (so far..) well, first things first..
Valentines day..
hmm.. a couple of days before, Jen Lye sms-ed me and said that he book me for lunch on wed 14 feb.. but didn't say why.. so ok lor.. but then i found out i got CSU.. aih.. so when wednesday came, we went lunch at secret recipe.. food was so so, but the companion was very very special..

ain't it pretty??
also to my dear friends for your wonderful friendship.. special thanks to Gwong, RR and Phing2 :D..
Chinese New Year
like every other occasion, there is bound to be things which i love and which i dislike about it..
so lets start with the bad stuff..
i dislike CNY because: cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning..
but, i love chinese new year cos: food (plus this year got special dish cooked by Jenlye and his mum.. super yummy.. dear, you spoiling me.. so round d.. :P), new clothes, cookies (my fav is flower cookies *slurp* OI glen, your cookies here ar.. come and take but you owe me lunch for making for you.. haha) and cos get to visit my grandma's.. and not to forget Ang Pau's..
so wishing all my beloved family and friends a wonderful chinese new year.. especially those who won't be able to be reunited with their families always remember that your family is close at heart.. God bless!!
Friday, January 26, 2007
IMU dress code + long breaks between lectures = students hanging out in ping pong room :D
today's lab session was seriously a waste of my time and beauty sleep.. aih.. first session no lecturer.. second some lecturer came in for 2 min, say look at FLM and if got any questions, i'll be back to answer.. turns out he knows nuts!! so.. we went to play ping pong.. seriously made a fool of my self there.. haha.. thanks hwei wan for tolerating my terrible shots :P play again monday!! hehe..
and, really can't wait to go KKB!! woohoo..
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
for example.. in the midst of exams, you squeese whats left of your brain trying to put your finger on the right answer but you simply can't.. but when you're out enjoying your with your friends, the answer suddenly comes to you.. wasted isn't it..
OR how you strain to memorise information the night before the exam with no avail but when you go about doing everyday stuff, something will trigger your memory and you can remember it..
OR how you are so sick of mugging and mugging and tell yourself that you need a break from medicine but you include jargons in everyday routine..
OR how you really wanna loose weight, try all sorts of things, but only manage to loose weight when you get sick??
well, you get what i mean.. funny how life turns out when you're least expecting it..
Friday, January 05, 2007
I'm back!!
phew, it has been quite a while huh?? no wonder darling pei threatened to remove my name from her link.. tsk tsk.. well, this blog is dedicated to you CYP..
its been a crazy december for me.. this IMU is seriously trying to push us way beyond our limits.. after sum 2 straight away on the same day they crammed one PBL and our first CVS lecture.. but that was a long time ago.. now, CVS is over and done with at least for another 4-5 months or so before EOS.. :(
so i guess you guys already managed to work out my blogging pattern.. always after a test.. haha..
today was quite a stressful day.. cos first had to sit for CVS exam.. then feedback session plus taking results for sum 2.. but i guess all turned out ok.. the best part was, i had so much free time on my hands for once.. so i decided to go watch movie.. i know, it sounds lame but its just so so nice to get to watch a movie without the guilt that used to come with it..
for those who haven't watch the Guardian, its a really nice movie.. very kan cheong.. haha.. hmm.. wanna know the ending?? lol.. i won't be so mean as to spoil your fun k??
next week we'll be starting our first rotations.. should be loads of fun especially KKB.. starting with com med on monday and i really hope i'll still feel excited about rotations after that.. lol..
so for now, maybe i'll just find a book to bury my face in.. a STORY book mind you.. and maybe do some old-fashioned cross stitching.. and oh ya, accompany my dear cousins who came from Aus for the summer..
to all sem 3's who are probably burning the midnight oil now making love with their sky-high stack of notes, just wanted to wish you guys all the best for EOS and to stay calm.. Good Luck especially to Jem, Paul, Ben, Kevin, Sebby, Jamie X 2, Li Shun, Joanne, Hui Jiun, Tim, Deb, and to all the others..