i am super duper thankful that i passed.. those of you who talked to me after the exam will know how relieved i am.. i was so so sure that i'm going to flunk it.. i even made a bet with Hwei Wan..
Xan: die lor.. sure fail already wan..
HW: u don't talk crap... u surely won't fail.. trust me..
Xan: wanna bet??
HW: ok.. if u fail i give you 5 bucks..
Xan: ok.. and if i pass i give you 5 bucks..
HW: deal!!
*so the deal was sealed*
er.. so i'm now poorer by 5 bucks..
lol.. but i passed!! woohoo!!!!!!!!!!
muahahahahah.. i am RICHER by 5 ringgit!!!
darnnn...i knew i should've gotten involved in that bet.
=) COngrats btw!
eh.. remind me never to bet on results ok?? must study harder wei!! hehe.. enjoy the 5 bucks..
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